Thursday, March 12, 2009

Beautiful Day - Early Start

Hey, Bosco here -
K keeps talking about this arch - Mesa Arch that glows on the bottom - only at sunrise. So since this was the last day we were going to be in this area, I decided that K & D needed to be up before sunrise. So I did everything I could. I jumped on the bed, I walked around a lot, I scratched, and just wouldn't leave them alone until they got up. So, it was 5:00 a.m. - it's before sunrise. I think she was really happy after D drove as fast as he could for the 35 miles to the arch. This is what she wanted...

The light this morning was wonderful. Here's a view of the canyon.

This is a picture from Arches - it's the Three Gossips and Sheep's Head.

And here's another view of the Delicate Arch with the lens that Dr. Cater let K borrow. She was pretty happy about it - closer view - not so much hiking.

Check out the tiny little people.

We went for a drive down this rocky canyon and came across some petroglyphs.

Also down this canyon - that had very straight,tall, rock walls were probably about 20 groups of people. Some were standing and some were sitting. Like this...

And this is what they were looking at - crazy humans. Why in the world would they want to do that? It's beyond me.

Tomorrow we're leaving this area and moving down to Cedar City.
More later...

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