Monday, May 26, 2008

Hungry Horse, Montana, USA

We left Banff today and headed back to the USA. Once we crossed over the Canadian Rockies - the sky was blue with big puffy white clouds.
We didn't have too much trouble crossing the border this time - we were ready for them. We didn't have any plants, meats, fruit, or green onions. Did you know that green onion carry some kind of moth that the folks here at home don't want. Now, we're only dogs but... it seems to us that these moths could just fly over the border when no one's looking... but that's just us.

K & D just love Hungry Horse. Something about huckleberries. We set up camp at Montain Meadow and settled in.

The 26th was Memoral Day and K & D's wedding anniversary. They've been married for 28 years. That's a really long time. We've only been with them for the past 4 years. Woof, we've only been around anyone for the past 4 years. We're just pups - but we're always ready to travel.

Memorial Day was a little cloudy - but beautiful.
Here's a picture of Lake McDonald.

Spring came a little in Montana and then Winter took over again. With a bit of warm weather and then cold rainy weather all of the streams and rivers and lakes are flooded. The Flathead river is just 5 inches below flood stage. This is what most of the rivers in the area look like.

The days are so long here - the sun comes up around 5:00 a.m. (we let K & D sleep until 6:00 a.m.) and then it's still light at 10:00 p.m.
We went back to Lake McDonald for an evening drive and K took this picture at 9:45 P.M..

More tomorrow!

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