Sunday, September 20, 2009

Going to the Sun Road

We all got and early start today - we knew it was going to me a long one. We left the trailer around 6:30 (that's A.M. woof!) and headed into Glacier National Park. We HAD to go today because they were going to close the Going to the Sun Road at midnight. Whoever fixes the roads were going to work really hard to repair it before the snows hit.

We drove from the West Glacier side to the St. Mary side. The road is amazing and the views are spectacular. Going to the top it went from cloudy to rainy to snowing. We decided to pass on stopping at Logan Pass since it was snowing and K wouldn't be able to hike where she wanted and picture taking would be difficult. We went on over to St. Mary's to check on the Osprey that K & D follow on one of the Glacier web cams. Well we guess these baby osprey are pretty smart - they've already headed south for the winter. They've been gone from the next for two days.

We decided to head up to Many Glacier. Just to see if everything is still there and we guess it was cuz both K and D were happy. It was a little rainy so we didn't do too much outside.

We did have one bit of excitement - we saw a bear. He was up on the hill - eating berries or something. K was able to get a few pictures (thanks to the big lens that Dr. Cater loaned her). Well,she SAYS she got a couple of good photos - but ask her to prove it... she apparently deleted them after "thinking" she loaded them onto the computer. Ya right! We've heard this before... the fish that got away... the bear that got away. Woof!

Oh well, we'll look for another bear tomorrow.

We decided to go back over the Going to the Sun Road and it was closed due to snow and a rock slide. We guess that the only time you can actually GO to the sun is in July. Other than that, no such luck.

More later...

Saturday, September 19, 2009

NEW TRIP and K finally arrives

We've been waiting for K to finally show up. We were on the road for 3 days from home to Hungry Horse and then we waited and waited. Now she's finally here.

She said she had a good flight. Tucker and I just looked at each other. We've heard her say that before and we just don't understand why WE never see her fly. She said that she flew out of Orange County airport and the best part was when the engines were cut back as they were taking off - the flight attendent cam on and said... "shhhh we're flying over rich people". She said everyone in the plane started laughing. I bet the rich people weren't.

Our first stop was grocery store and then the lake. She said something about just needing to smell the Montana air.

Whatever - smells like air to us... we'll maybe a little pine, and snow and huckleberries - but still just air.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Beautiful Day - Early Start

Hey, Bosco here -
K keeps talking about this arch - Mesa Arch that glows on the bottom - only at sunrise. So since this was the last day we were going to be in this area, I decided that K & D needed to be up before sunrise. So I did everything I could. I jumped on the bed, I walked around a lot, I scratched, and just wouldn't leave them alone until they got up. So, it was 5:00 a.m. - it's before sunrise. I think she was really happy after D drove as fast as he could for the 35 miles to the arch. This is what she wanted...

The light this morning was wonderful. Here's a view of the canyon.

This is a picture from Arches - it's the Three Gossips and Sheep's Head.

And here's another view of the Delicate Arch with the lens that Dr. Cater let K borrow. She was pretty happy about it - closer view - not so much hiking.

Check out the tiny little people.

We went for a drive down this rocky canyon and came across some petroglyphs.

Also down this canyon - that had very straight,tall, rock walls were probably about 20 groups of people. Some were standing and some were sitting. Like this...

And this is what they were looking at - crazy humans. Why in the world would they want to do that? It's beyond me.

Tomorrow we're leaving this area and moving down to Cedar City.
More later...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Change of Plans

We were going to head off to Arches this morning - but K & D changed plans and went to Canyonlands and Dead Horse Point. Why they'd want to go see a dead horse is beyond me - but... we just went along.
The first stop was just outside the park on a dirt road where D stopped and gave us a chance to run. We have the best time just running as fast as we can in all directions. Tucker stays pretty close to K & D - but not me. I run in really big circles. I pretend that I'm not paying attention and that I'm free as a dog can be -but don't tell D, I've always got one eye on him - I don't want to miss anything.

After our run they took another dirt road - but this was their adventure. It's called the White Rim Trail. Named that because it runs along the RIM of the mountain and is white because of the type of rock that's there.
This is a picture of the road - looking back at the part we just drove on.

The view from the White Rim Trail was excellent. We understand why they wanted to go on it - what we don't understand is why K kept telling D to get away from the edge... turn around... I don't want to look down there... STOP. I don't think she was enjoying it as much as he was.
This is the view from the trail.

We then headed out to Dead Horse Point. Legend has it that wild horses would be driven out to this point and fenced in - with the intention of catching, taming, and selling them - and were left there too long by the people that caught them that they went crazy because of lack of food and water and seeing the water in the river below - jumped to their death. Thus the name Dead Horse Point.

Late in the afternoon we headed back to Arches because K wanted to do the Park Avenue hike. It's an easy 1 mile hike that goes deep into the canyon. There are rock walls, balanced rocks, and potholes to see. (We don't know why she had to come all this way to see potholes - we have those at home. But, what they heck, it's vacation).
Here's a couple of pictures from that hike.

We have to get going now - D's warming up the truck (it's 21 degrees outside) and K's packup the gear. We'll write more later.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Getting Ready to Go

We're heading out to Arches this morning.
It's cold - but clear and sunny.
Last night we had a lot of wind and a little rain but... NO SNOW.
Oh well, maybe D and K will take us to the snow later this week.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Moving Day

Today we moved from Monument Valley to Arches National Park. It wasn't too far - but man was it windy. You should have seen Tucker's fur - he looked like one of those blond movie stars working in front of a fan.

We got to Moab and had a chance to set up camp and then headed into Arches National Park. It was late afternoon so some of the shadows were really cool. We only focused on a couple of sites but will be back tomorrow.

This was the first stop - Balanced Rock.

Considering how hard the wind was blowing - it was making us a little nervous to watch K out hiking under and around this rock.

Then K headed up to Delicate Arch. You can see the arch 3 ways - walk 100 yards, hike 1/2 mile, or just about kill yourself on a 4 hour round trip strenous hike. Since we waited in the truck with D... K took the middle hike and was only gone about an hour. This is what she came back with.

Tomorrow - back into the park.
More later.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Side Trip to Mesa Verde

We woke up around 5:00 this morning and decided to head out to Mesa Verde, Colorado. It was about 100 miles of open land. We got to see some more of the monuments and drove from the Navajo Nation through the Ute Reservation. Park of the national park was closed due to snow - but we got to see most of the highlights.
Our first stop were the dewllings at Spruce Tree. We really don't get why they call it Spruce Tree - because these dwellings are built into the side of a rock mountain. Never the less - it's beautiful.

This one is called Cliff Palace - there was a sign that said that this particular dwelling held 100 to 200 people.

We got back to Monument Valley pretty close to sunset and decided to wait it out for a pretty view.

The end of another great day.
Tomorrow we're off towards Arches National Park.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A new vacation to the American West

We're on the road again. We headed out on Friday around 1:00 and went as far as Kingman, Arizona. We only stayed there long enough to sleep. K&D really didn't plan on staying long - they didn't even put out the slide out. So needless to say we slept in tight quarters.

We woke up early and headed out to Flagstaff. D agreed to stop at Cracker Barrel so K could get her "fix". While they were inside enjoying eggs, ham, grits, and biscuts and gravy - we waited in the trailer. By the time they were finished with breakfast - it was really cold and snowing! We love the snow!

We drove for several hours in the snow heading north and east and towards our next destination of Monument Valley on the Arizona/Utah border.

Once we arrived there - we set up camp at Goulding's trading post - in the heart of the Navajo nation. It's funny - there are several radio stations that are... All Navajo... All the time! If you've never heard the Navajo language spoken... it's very interesting. K said she wasn't sure they used all 26 letters of the English alphabet. Like other foreign languages - there are just some words that don't translate into Navajo... like "parking lot". There was a commerical playing and it went like this... jlopweryhb lwjerieoeru parking lot ljolwieurij lowehernpdit. Really!

We went for a drive into the Navajo tribal park. It was a beautiful drive (although VERY rough dirt road)that wove between the monuments. Now these aren't monuments like in Washington, DC., they are just called monuments. They are large rock formations that seem to rise up out of the ground.

This was at the tail end of the storm...

And another...

We're always on the hunt for a square rock for Pam back at the office - but this is just plain crazy.

That's it for today... see you tomorrow.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Final Weekend Together

We had a great weekend - some sunshine and some rain.
We did some driving and hiking in Glacier National Park. There were low clouds on Lake McDonald - which made it look really neat. See...

We also drove up to the Hungry Horse Dam (built in 1953) and the Hungry Horse recreation area (forest). The sky was just beautiful - royal blue with puffy white clouds.

Saturday night we had a thunderstorm come through - at the end was a beautiful rainbow.

Sunday it rained on and off - so we stayed in and got caught up on movies. The reward was a beautiful sunset.

K goes home tomorrow, so our vacation is coming to an end. D will start driving home probably on Tuesday and we'll be home by the weekend. Back to the grind... of our "life as a dog". We had a lot of fun and we'll start planning and dreaming of our next trip with K & D.
Thanks for tuning in!
Tucker & Bosco

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Storm on the Lake

This morning we got up and headed south.We went to the town of Poulson. K wanted to go to some store that makes and sells stuff with goose down. The store is called the Three Dog Down store. K was telling D that they had different weights of down comforters. They measure them as 1/2 dog, 1 dog, 2 dog and 3 dog. Now, we don't know about you - but it makes us a little nervous to think of a 1/2 dog. Maybe they're talking like a poodle, or a terrier... let's hope so. D was saying that they only need one Bosco to make the warmth of a 3 dog comforter.

We drove around the whole Flathead Lake. It's a really big lake that people sail on - when it's not snowing or raining.

In the afternoon - we headed back to Lake McDonald because there were big thunder clouds and K wanted to see a storm on the lake. Well, she did.
You can see the storm coming across the water and you could hear the thunder. We only got rained on a little bit - but it was SO worth it.
This is what it looked like...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Still In Hungry Horse

We're actually staying here until K flys home on the 2nd. (we really don't know how she's going to fly - but that's what we heard)
We spend the day driving and hiking and taking pictures and just enjoying the clear clean air and beautiful countryside. The lilacs are in bloom and smell SO much better than the ones at home. (these actually have a smell)

There is an area in Glacier National Park - called the trail of the cedars. It's a dark, overgrown, moist area of cedar trees. It hasn't burned since the 1500's - so it's got some pretty big trees. K was hiking on the trail when she was followed for a little while by this deer.

The lake was back to it's beautiful self today.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Hungry Horse, Montana, USA

We left Banff today and headed back to the USA. Once we crossed over the Canadian Rockies - the sky was blue with big puffy white clouds.
We didn't have too much trouble crossing the border this time - we were ready for them. We didn't have any plants, meats, fruit, or green onions. Did you know that green onion carry some kind of moth that the folks here at home don't want. Now, we're only dogs but... it seems to us that these moths could just fly over the border when no one's looking... but that's just us.

K & D just love Hungry Horse. Something about huckleberries. We set up camp at Montain Meadow and settled in.

The 26th was Memoral Day and K & D's wedding anniversary. They've been married for 28 years. That's a really long time. We've only been with them for the past 4 years. Woof, we've only been around anyone for the past 4 years. We're just pups - but we're always ready to travel.

Memorial Day was a little cloudy - but beautiful.
Here's a picture of Lake McDonald.

Spring came a little in Montana and then Winter took over again. With a bit of warm weather and then cold rainy weather all of the streams and rivers and lakes are flooded. The Flathead river is just 5 inches below flood stage. This is what most of the rivers in the area look like.

The days are so long here - the sun comes up around 5:00 a.m. (we let K & D sleep until 6:00 a.m.) and then it's still light at 10:00 p.m.
We went back to Lake McDonald for an evening drive and K took this picture at 9:45 P.M..

More tomorrow!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Banff, Alberta Canada

Well, it's still raining. And now it's also cold.
Who's idea was it to go on vacation in the Spring! Woof!
The day time temps are in the 40's and night time temps are in the 30's.
We spent several days here in Banff and then decided to head to Montana.
We didn't let the rain stop us and K & D took us to some of their favorite spots.
We went to Lake Moraine... (frozen)

Then we went to Lake Louise... (partially frozen)

We also drove along the Ice Fields Parkway - stopping at Bow Lake - which is (in the fall) so blue the color is just unbelievable. But now... (frozen)

OK, K & D say "uncle". We're heading to Montana!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Waterton International Peace Park, Alberta Canada

We made it to Waterton!
It rained all the way from Agusta to Waterton. But we're not going to let that get us down. We checked into the campground - it was really nice - there were only about us and maybe 10 other campers. It was so quiet there that the deer just hung around. We didn't bother them and they didn't bother us.

We went up to one of the inner lakes only to find that it was still frozen. See? Doesn't it look cold? It was!

We then went up to see the Prince of Wales Hotel. It wasn't opened for the season yet - but it was still really pretty from the outside.

K & D decided we should go on an head up to Banff, so... we did.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Agusta, Montana

We headed out this morning, going toward Waterton International Peace Park. It started raining and basically kept raining. We stopped in a little town - Agusta Montana. Agusta has a population of about 200. The campground in town was pretty much an open field - but they did have electricity. We were also able to get reception on the one TV channel. It was really a good thing because we were able to find out that there was a tornato warning. Now for that #1 travel questions... what COUNTY are WE in. K checked out the road atlas which showed that we were OK. The tornado was in the next county - about 40 miles away.

We had a couple of nice horses in a pasture next to the campground. D wouldn't let us get too close - because Bosco just likes to bark and growl like a tough guy. He doesn't scare me though - we're still good buddies. He's just noisy.
Did you see the picture of the horses? ... notice the dark sky.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Grand Teton's & Yellowstone

K finally arrived and we've officially started our vacation.
We spent the weekend driving around Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Teton National Park area.

We made lots of photo stops for K. We had a great time although we didn't get to get out much - something about bears. K & D kept talking about seeing animals - hellooo - we're animals. I guess we weren't what they were looking for. All in all they were pretty happy - they saw lots of bison (they're everywhere) and elk (there's a lot of them too) and a moose, and a wolf and a fox and the big catch a BEAR. No wonder they wouldn't let us out of the truck to run around. Now, K might try to tell you that she hiked deep into the back country and tracked this critter for hours before being able to get a clear shot of him. Don't let her fool you - the little guy was about 50 feet from the highway, there was a Park Ranger directing traffic and people so no one got too close. There were probably 75 people standing there taking it's picture and one guy running around yelling GRIZZLY. Woof - what's the big deal. Just looks like a big sheep dog on steroids!

We drove up to Old Faithful and waited until it went off so K could get a picture. It's pretty neat, although it looks like someone knocked over a fire hydrant. Grrr!

We also drove over to Jackson Lake and Jenny Lake. Very pretty areas - but we couldn't get out - mud, snow, and then there's those bears again.

The weather has been great. The day time is around 70 to 80 and the nights are in the 30's and 40's. Good sleeping weather. Although we can sleep anytime.

Here's a slide show of some of the things we saw. (you can click to see them bigger or slow them down)

Tomorrow, we're off to some place in Montana. We'll write more when we have a connection (and when K will help us).

Sunday, May 11, 2008

We're On The Road Again...

We all set to go on vacation again. Yipee!

We're not sure what happened to the box - but one day it was taken away and a new really big box showed up. It's nice that we have more space where we live - but we lost our space while we travel. There's this big metal thing in the space where we used to ride.
Oh well, we still have the back seat. (don't tell K but we take turns sitting her her seat until she joins us).

We left home yesterday and drove as far as Cedar City, UT. We've been there before - so we didn't stay very long. We just slept there and then headed out again.

Today we drove all the way to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. We have a few days to wait for K to arrive - but it's worth it. We have a nice camp site with a great view. We saw a moose and a couple of bison driving in tonight. We're going to sleep now. We'll write more in the next couple days.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

How far can we drive in one day?

It's Thursday and K arrives tomorrow so we knew this was going to be a long driving day but... woof... we don't think D is ever going to stop. We left Wells, Nevada this morning around 6:00 a.m. and we're going to stop in either Calgary or Banff tonight. That's about 16 hours of driving. Oh well, I guess we'll have time to rest when everyone else gets here. Good night, from somewhere in Canada.

Just a quick note - we made it to Banff at about 2:00 in the morning on Friday. So, we're back on track. We have a few hours to rest until K comes in. We have to drive into Calgary to pick her up - so off to sleep for now.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Oh Can-a-da

Here we come.

We're off on vacation again. Or, at least we're trying to be on vacation.

We left home on Thursday morning August 30th. The night before we left - the air conditioner died so poor K has been stuck at home during the recent heat wave.

We, on the other hand have been stuck in "The Box" in a little nothing town about 20 miles north of Reno, Nevada. D was having truck problems so we had to stop and try to get it fixed. Something about a "turbo" something. D had to get a rental car which we weren't allowed to ride in (somehow that just doesn't seem fair). He was really nice and stayed with us and never left us alone - OK, well only once... but he had to go check on the truck. So much for a Labor Day vacation.

It's now Wednesday the 5th - we've gotten the truck back - and we're "ON THE ROAD AGAIN". We're hoping to get to at least Elko, NV tonight. We need to be in Calgary by Friday - to pick up K at the airport. We've got a lot of driving to do tomorrow, so we better stop blogging and let D get some sleep. Until tomorrow.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Additional Photos

K decided to add some additional photos... hope you enjoy them.
See you next time!