Saturday, September 19, 2009

NEW TRIP and K finally arrives

We've been waiting for K to finally show up. We were on the road for 3 days from home to Hungry Horse and then we waited and waited. Now she's finally here.

She said she had a good flight. Tucker and I just looked at each other. We've heard her say that before and we just don't understand why WE never see her fly. She said that she flew out of Orange County airport and the best part was when the engines were cut back as they were taking off - the flight attendent cam on and said... "shhhh we're flying over rich people". She said everyone in the plane started laughing. I bet the rich people weren't.

Our first stop was grocery store and then the lake. She said something about just needing to smell the Montana air.

Whatever - smells like air to us... we'll maybe a little pine, and snow and huckleberries - but still just air.

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